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Твір :Ukrainian economy now ajax systems (ID:823216)

Тип роботи: інше
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 2
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 50
Купити цю роботу
Ukraine's economy is suffering enormous losses as a result of Russia's armed aggression, and it is difficult to estimate these losses as the war continues. However, we all understand that battles are won by the army, and wars are won by the economy. We should not rely on Western support alone, because everything depends on us. Small and medium-sized enterprises have always been, are and will be the backbone of the economy, especially in wartime. Business will do the rest. The key strategic goal is to restart Ukrainian business
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Зразок роботи
Ukraine's economy is suffering enormous losses as a result of Russia's armed aggression, and it is difficult to estimate these losses as the war continues. However, we all understand that battles are won by the army, and wars are won by the economy. We should not rely on Western support alone, because everything depends on us. Small and medium-sized enterprises have always been, are and will be the backbone of the economy, especially in wartime. Business will do the rest. The key strategic goal is to restart Ukrainian business. At the moment, I believe that one of the main companies that is driving the events is Ajax Systems, an international technology company with headquarters and production facilities in Kyiv. The company develops wireless and wired security systems and has its own full-cycle production. It was founded in 2011 in Kyiv by Oleksandr Konotopskyi. The main product is the Ajax professional wireless security system