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Некрологи як текст у англо-українському зіставленні (OBITUARIES AS A TEXT IN ENGLISH-UKRAINIAN JUXTAPOSITION) (курсова англійською) (ID:904963)

Тип роботи: курсова
Дисципліна:Іноземна мова
Сторінок: 59
Рік виконання: 2023
Вартість: 250
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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 CHAPTER 1. TEXT. DEFINITION AND TYPOLOGY 5 1.1. Approaches to defining the concept of text 5 1.2. Features of text typology. Approaches of foreign and domestic researchers ……………………………………………………………….. 10 1.3. Distinguishing between the notions of "text type" and "genre" 13 CHAPTER 2. GENRE ASPECT OF OBITUARIES 17 2.1. Defining the genre of "оbituary" 17 2.2. Characteristics of structure and stylistics of obituaries in English and ukrainian languages 21 Chapter 3. TEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF OBITUARIES 24 3.1. Selection and analysis of english obituaries 25 3.2. Selection and analysis of ukrainian obituaries 38 3.3. Linguistic comparative analysis of english and ukrainian obituaries 50 CONCLUSION 53 REFERENCES 56 DIPLOMA SUMMARIES 59 АНОТАЦІЯ 61
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INTRODUCTION Death is the greatest mystery of life, and man is the only species that is aware of its inescapability and life’s finiteness. Since prehistoric times it has been a concern of religious thought and philosophical inquiry, which, in consequence, has enabled each culture or society to create a plethora of commemorative ceremonies including funeral and mourning customs, rites and traditions as well as practices of honoring the dead. Death is a universal experience. Yet people in different cultures and at different times thought of and experienced death differently. One hundred years ago common people learned about it in the process of everyday living in families and communities, witnessing others die, watching their corpses getting prepared for burial, and observing required mourning rituals: death was perceived as part of life. Today numerous people die away from home, their death is hidden in hospital wards and long-care institutions; thus, for many personal experience with death means relying on media: press, television, radio, the internet. Newspaper obituaries and death notices occupy a special place in societies and cultures around the globe: they are perhaps the most frequently read section of any daily newspaper, and for many a reader the obituary page is the first page he or she engrosses in. The texts note the passing of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances; they recount the life stories people of power, celebrities – and ordinary people as well. In Britain and the U.S.A. obituaries and, to a lesser extent, death notices have been a subject of sociological, historical and cultural research as they recorded people’s lives, their achievements and virtues, and can be regarded as a valuable source of data, allowing researchers to observe the changes of post-death rituals and customs, explore the evolution of people’s attitude to death and the dead, examine what values and virtues society wants to remember and appraise, or investigate the treatment of the dead in the press. It is only recently that they attracted the attention of linguists. Paradoxically, death is a theme of eternity, and therefore an always relevant and inexhaustible theme for scientific research of very different directions. The object of research is obituari. The subject of research is genre-linguistic feature of obituaries. The aim of the study: to consider obituaries as a text in English-Ukrainian juxtaposition . The set aim involves the following tasks: − consider "text", its concept and typology; − conduct a lexicographic investigation to find out definitions within the scope of the research topic, first of all, the concept of "obituary"; − conduct textual analysis of obituaries, using the example of Ukrainian and English obituaries. Structure of work. The work consists of an introduction, three sections (theoretical basis and practical developments), conclusions and a list of used sources (27 items).
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